domingo, 21 de febrero de 2010

Question sent by Steve, new translator from Spanish to English for Alpha Crew

On 19 February 2010 23:20, "Inkratas"

Dear Alpha Starship,

Thank you for the amazing gift of receiving your frequent insights
through Kris-Won! Many of us are so full of Joy by your coming into
our lives. We know you can see our eagerness for full contact by the
amount of light we carry in our intentions.

My question has to do with helping us to translate better. Languages
can be very tricky to speak across, as each word carries an energy
that might mean something ever so slightly different in another
language. We, as translators of your communiques, wish to preserve
the essence of your words as best as possible, much like Kris-Won does
when he senses your thoughts, sentences, and feelings and chooses the
best words that he can. Can you please take a brief moment to help us
learn how to best tune into the essence of each message when deciding
which words from one language should represent the same word from
another language?

We have a school game we play as children called "operator", in which
the first person begins with a word or phrase in mind. Each person in
the class stands shoulder to shoulder, whispering the original word or
phrase into the ear of the next classmate down the line. Almost
always, the last student will reveal a completely different word or
phrase than what the first student initially whispered!

In a similar way, we do not wish for this type of detuning to happen
with your telepathic messages, which are interpreted by Kris-Won into
Spanish, then by us translators into English, and then by another set
of translators into a host of other languages.

Many of us are already in the good practice of centering ourselves,
imagining us in your presence, surrounding ourselves with love and
protection, and "tuning in" with the hopes that we can receive some
inner direction when making word choices. Do you have any additional
insights that we can consider to help align ourselves better with your
vibrations? For instance, are crystals helpful? Refraining from food
prior to translating? Drinking extra water?

Thank you for helping us serve in the most purest manner possible. I
personally look forward to more enlightening messages, and remain very
excited that we will all be able to work face to face in the near

Love and Light to you, brothers and sisters. Thank you for your
service, and to Kris-Won for dedicating his time and energy.

A new message channeled from Alpha Starship especially for Steve's question:

Dear brother Steve:

We know about you since a long time ago, and we are very happy and excited to see that you have chosen to help us translating our messages into English. We also thank you for your support facilitating the group a platform in the Internet to help spread further our communiqués to humanity amongst the vast English-speaking population.
We know about your skills and trust that you will voluntarily use them in the service to the cause.

In respect to your question, we simply say that you, translators, are to have the availability to work with us. When you begin the translation, get tuned with us, and we will mentally provide you with the ideal words so they can fit better with the original message without detracting it.

The use of magnetized or unmagnetized crystals will help you to get a good tuning with us up "here". It would be also helpful not to eat, at least not before doing the translation and if possible, to drink a glass of water before initiating the translation.

A big, heart-felt hug to all of our translators, who are a fundamental help in the task of spreading these communiqués around the world.

We know that in time there will be more available translators into more languages. Thus, keep on your task with confidence on yourselves and faith on the success of our mission.
We are all One, in truth and love!

Crew of brethren of Alpha Spaceship

viernes, 19 de febrero de 2010

How many planets more...?

Dear friends of Alfa Ship, thank you for answering my previous questions. I have some more, could you please answer these too? I would be very grateful if you did.
So, most beings on your ship are Orian, you say. How many inhabited planets are there in the Orion constellation? Can you tell us a bit about life there? Can you also tell us about the role that you played in building the pyramids on Earth? And were you also the ones that created homo sapiens out of genetic experiments, over 200,000 years ago on Earth? Who exactly are the 'annunaki'? Are you only in space ships now, just coming down to earth for work now and then, or do you also live permanently in underground cities or maybe even among the people? What exactly is your relationship with the Pleiadians, I get the feeling that you worked together on many occasions on Earth? What's your relationship with the reptilians? Are you humanoid or do you look differently? Can you maybe send Kris-Won a picture of what the Orians look like? Thanks for your time!

jueves, 18 de febrero de 2010

More than one person has commented on your statements about needing the agreement of the dark controllers before you initiate first contact.

I have read in several places that our space brothers are eager to meet us when they are invited.

So here is a formal invitation:

On behalf of myself and all the other humans who would welcome your openly announced arrival (I believe there are hundreds of millions of us), I hereby invite you to come and meet us, to make yourselves widely known, and actively help us remove from power, the dark forces that have controlled these societies for so long.

In this statement, I am sure I have the support of many more people than do the so-called representatives in Washington DC.

Now you can't say that you weren't invited by a representative of the people.

So make yourselves known on Earth, far and wide!


miércoles, 17 de febrero de 2010

Dear Adriano, Cristian, and Alpha Starship.

Thank you all for your efforts to protect, defend, and serve the human race, all creatures great and small, planet Earth and all that is. God Bless you all. I am grateful for your Godly efforts. Can you please bring clarity and explain to me why the negatives with hostile intent and agenda are allowed their free will here, but do not hesitate to remove the free will of the positives here? We have all been told we have free will here, and yet there is massive amounts of proof that is NOT the case. The citizenry here has had their free will removed through mind control implant device and other technologies and have been forced into desperation and despair, pain and suffering. Much has been hidden behind closed doors that needs to be brought into the Divine spotlight of truth, and you are wasting your time and efforts if you think the misleadership on this planet is willing to admit to misleading. The citizenry on this planet deserves better than what has been forced onto them by negative intent and agenda. Too many have given the "ultimate sacrifice" to serve the killing machine that passes itself off as governing the peoples. A few keystrokes doing research on the computer will bring you absolute proof of the misleadership on this planet. That is why there is such a huge coverup of other worldly races and those reporting their experiences being labeled as "crazy". Those with negative intentions are not willing to tell you the truth or be held responsible and accountable to all that is, and intend always to "eliminate" it when it steps forward with revelations of misconduct.

Many have lost their very lives trying to bring truth, justice, and integrity to this world of lies, manipulations, and deceptions, and many languish in torture dens, to this very day, falsely accused, to keep them hidden from public scrutiny. Give credit where credit is due. You are barking up the wrong tree if you think those who mislead are willing to work with ANY being that seeks to bring help or hope to an oppressed citizenry. Those who try are murdered, discredited, or destroyed physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally, or financially to silence them and stop their Godly efforts. A quick glance at a history book will confirm this for you. I recommend you look behind the closed doors here on this planet if you want to see the truth of what has been promoted as civilization by the deranged and criminally insane. You will find oppression, crimes, atrocities, and mistreatment you will struggle to understand, provided you have a conscience. Those that have been "governing" have ensured the citizenry here can be harmed in horrific and heinous ways through the latest technologies, weapons of war, and experimentations, but they spend no effort to figure out how to "help" the citizenry. You are bypassing the truth here when you cater to the dog and pony show that passes itself off as leadership. You would be better directed to knock on the doors of those that have been victimized by these thugs, guarantee their safety, and see what has been forced upon them through their eyes of experience. The truth of the atrocities here will shock you! It is in the intention of each soul to either help or harm. My intention with these words is to help and direct your efforts to the truth. What YOU intend and choose to do with that truth information is, of course, up to your own free will? Let us ALL work together to bring "the God"s truth", or absolute fact to this weary world. Manipulated and manufactured information is nothing more than deception of a citizenry. It is long overdue. To further cater to or coddle that which has been intentionally harming is to encourage the harm to continue. And so it is. Thank you for your time and efforts. I am truly grateful for the labors of love.

I love you too. R. U.

martes, 16 de febrero de 2010

Our leaders work for the dark side

2010/2/15 David
Hi Kris-Won,

I was concerned by something said in your February 11th message, to the effect that you would not initiate first contact until the leaders of the biggest earth governments agree.

Since most of those leaders work for the dark side (willingly or otherwise), this won't happen until they are removed. That won't happen without help from our space brothers, so it seems that all hope is gone.

Why won't you listen to the will of real people (a small survey would do it), instead of trying to get the agreement of the dark cabal?

I, for one, want to meet with you, see your technology introduced and watch the collapse of all the corrupt institutions: pharmaceutical, banking, educational, media etc. I don't care what our corrupt politicians think, you are not violating the free will of real humanity if you bypass the dark ones, and introduce yourselves to us.

Do you need the permission of the dark side minority to stop the poisoning of our skies with chemtrails?
